We design and facilitate offsite and onsite team development workshops, including:
Strategy workshops
Managing successful change
Enabling innovation and creativity
Facilitating re-engineering, Agile or process improvement initiatives
Creating team purpose and identity
Shaping team vision and values
Developing Vision, BHAGs (Big Hairy Audacious Goals) and team purpose, identity, values and goals
Building teamwork capabilities
Enabling better collboration
Cross team collaboration
Building high trust teams
Facilitating intensive feedback
Measuring team performance

Team development programs and team effectiveness workshops
These programs build on core coaching skills for leaders, talent management and employee engagement programs and use the latest team and individual profiling tools to encourage mutual understanding.
Team building is about Team Excellence, rather than just team games in isolation. It is those efforts in which a team studies its own process of working together and acts to create a climate that encourages and values the contributions of team members. Their energies are directed toward problem solving, task efficiency, and maximizing the use of all members' resources to achieve the team's purpose.
Great team building recognizes that it is not possible to fully separate one's performance from those of others. Powerful teams of people working collaboratively and towards organisational goals are critical for organisational success.
Objectives for High Performance Teams

High performance teams:
Share a passionate purpose, a clear sense of identity and awareness and respect for the shared values of the team
Know where they are coming from and where they are headed with clear stakeholder level outcomes and action plans
Have robust data for how the team is performing and their opportunities and strengths both individually and as a team
Demonstare exceptional levels of openness, trust and constructive confrontation
Actively seek feedback, individually and as a team
The Journey to High Performance

Team Effectiveness Survey (TES)
The TES is the beginning of a data driven process that dramatically improves team performance and business results.
The team effectiveness survey gathers anonymous data about the team and individual member's current performance. It is a straightforward yet powerful tool to measure the current state of the environment and to decide upon a clear plan of action to vastly improve direction, vision and development of the team and leads to increased performance levels.
Without conducting a structured analysis of the present state, organisations are unable to understand their major performance issues and what specific performance goals they wish to move towards. The organisation may then remain 'in the problem' and focused on what they want to move away from, rather than proactively focusing on their desired outcomes.

The individual feedback session, although confronting in many ways, was an incredibly useful and positive exercise for the whole team.
Linda Fulford, Managing Director,
Fulford Public Relations
Team and individual performance data findings are presented to and reviewed with the team members and personal feedback is given and received by each team member in a carefully facilitated offsite meeting. Before team members give individual feedback to one another, they are provided with essential tools and techniques on how to give and receive constructive feedback.
"71% of top performers who received regular feedback were likely to stay on the job, versus 43% who didn't receive it" Watson Wyatt Worldwide.
The process we call 'feed-forward' provides employees with the direction and motivation to change their behaviour, or to continue their performance with increased confidence.
"Promotions and pay rises are no longer granted to workers solely based on years of service. Performance has become the catalyst for getting ahead in most companies. As employees see this, they naturally want to know how they are doing……. In surveying what employees in American Express want most from their employer, the number one desire at 46% was personal feedback. This compares to 32% who said they most wanted financial rewards." American Express all employee survey, reported in USA today.
Leaders who create an environment of open, honest communication and who provide regular, constructive feedback, create opportunities for their employees to grow, perform better and make positive contributions to the entire organisation.
Developing and enhancing team performance can result in substantial business benefits through improved communication, collaboration and open confrontation.
Teams that work better together are those that naturally collaborate to create win-win outcomes for the organisation, using open, honest and direct communication styles and adopting a solutions mind-set. These teams plan and prioritise effectively and get better results faster.
The basis of successful team development is in four areas:
Self-awareness and awareness of others
Communication, collaboration and influencing skills
The ability to set shared vision and build on shared values, goals and priorities, then driving action
Leading innovation and being successful change agents
Our Team Development workshops are constructed for senior management and other leadership teams, either of whole companies, business units, or functional areas and markets.
We incorporate the benefits of Team Climate Surveys on leadership, teamwork and communication and focus on driving the teams we work with to transformational action using a focus on values, identity, purpose and through driving feedback and direct open and honest team communication.
Alternative approaches for team development focus on one time interventions of usually one or two days with a team to use models that help them collectively focus on team goals, prioritise better, communicate better, understand each other and collaborate better