Facilitated offsite and onsite strategy workshops, change management planning, business process re-engineering, leadership team meeting facilitation, innovation and creativity sessions.
Shaping organisational strategies, planning for change, managing successful change, enabling innovation and creativity.
Facilitating re-engineering and business process improvement initiatives. Creating team purpose, identity and values.
Team collaboration and problem solving. Enabling constructive confrontation and dialogue.
Building teamwork capabilities.
Enabling better collaboration and Cross team collaboration.
Building high trust teams.
Facilitating intensive open, honest and direct feedback sessions with teams.
Measuring team performance, developing team engagement and measuring employee engagement.
Implementing employee engagement building initiatives.

When strategy sessions are done well, they can be an indispensable demonstration of real world leadership. Done poorly, they can be a waste of time or worse. So what does it take to do it right?
There is no one right way to do strategic planning. Each client has their own unique situation and unique needs. A small not-for-profit, an Entrepreneurial start-up, and a division of a Fortune 500 company all have different needs. We can help you define your objectives and priorities and prepare a successful intervention using the tools and techniques that will help you get the results you want in a best way tailored for you.
Session are highly varied and often reflect a need to drive change, improve performance or enhance capabilities, example sessions include:
Organisation vision, values and identity
Setting business goals and BHAGS (Big hairy Audacious Goals)
Scenario planning and shaping alternative strategies
Completing a SWOT Analysis, prioritizing themes, developing strategic initiatives, growth drivers and metrics
Creating a Vision Mission and Values Statement
Driving and enabling innovation and creativity
Business model re-invention, change planning and change management
Organisational capability and resourcing reviews
Business Process Re-engineering Opportunities
Stakeholder mapping, needs analysis and organisational effectiveness
Brainstorming and Action Planning sessions to drive business objectives